Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I could not be more excited to type this! Halston is here!!! He was born January 17th @ 7:20 am and weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and was 19 inches long.  Today he is one week old and just the absolute love of my life!!!.  Right now he is very confused about what to do with his hands.  When he is really hungry he will flop and flail them around in a panic!  He is most comfy when he is swaddled. Of course, he falls asleep so quickly and stays asleep during the day but is a night owl.  He doesn't cry at night but, just likes to stare at the ceiling.  He had not pooped in 3 days and i was getting pretty worried so, I called the paediatrician and she told me he was not eating enough.  I upped his formula to 3 oz. and got an explosion! It was literally filling up his entire diaper.  Today, I am assuming because of the extra once of formula, was also his first projectile spit up.  It must have been an entire bottle and really shocked me.  He is 7 days old and will follow his mobile with his eyes.  I feel like this is pretty good for his age but, maybe it is standard.  He is also not a huge fan of the sponge bath.  He screams all the way through it but LOVES the counter top sponge I put him on.  I have started changing him there.  It is right under a BRIGHT light and it almost acts as a heat lamp.  He is soooo comfy cozy underneath it.  So sweet. One week down and a million more to go.  sometimes I just look at him and cry.  I never knew my heart could love like this.  It is truly amazing!!!