Friday, May 27, 2011

MAY 27th: 6 Weeks

Well I am another week farther along!  I do not really feel pregnant.  I thought I was getting morning sickness but, I think I just took my vitamin on an empty stomach!  So far I am just tired.  And, I have heartburn.  I am so snack-ie lately but I think that is because I want to eat as soon as I feel queasy.  Also, I get full SO quickly so now I have just started eating smaller meals.  I was reading Joshua the other night and God just really put this verse on my heart. 
 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
I have been so worried about miscarriage and my fear has really started to subside! I just keep thinking to myself, "Be strong and courageous! God is with you" and it has gotten me through. 

I am going for my lab work Saturday and my first prenatal appt. Monday.  I'll be anxious to find out how this whole health care system works after that.  It is so different from the states.

I really feel like I have a little Missy baking away as opposed to a little Mr. but, Shane is convinced it's a boy and has already, as far as he's concerned, settled on a name.

Knox, Halston, Jaxon,Girls: Hayesleigh "Hayes", Taytum, Finleigh, Blakeley

We shall see! -L

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25th: 5 Weeks OR So It begins

How do I feel:
I have ALLOT of heart burn.  They say that that means baby will be born with lots of hair.  Guess this little pea sized tadpole is getting ready to sprout a whole headful. I also have allot of anxiety.  Ii is very early on and I just keep waking up every day thankful that I am still with child.  I just know some close friends of mine that had tragic outcomes.  I am working really hard to think positive an just be happy. I am pretty tired as well but am still working out everyday and hope to as long as I can.  

I don't really have any carzy cravings but, I am looooving milk right now.  I would never drink milk before in a glass EVER....only in cereal and coffe but now I love to have it every night before bed.

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20th: Start Spreadin' the News

So....The first people in our lives to know about the little angel were Jill and Jordan...Ironically, our maid of honor and best man! :) I told my friend Andi as I was FREAKIN out.  Then we told my parents, bro and sis-in-law, Shawna, Shane's parents and sis and bro-in-law.  We are keeping it at that for a while.  I just want to make sure baby H is healthy and strong.  Everyone was soooo supportive and excited.  I'm sure the Houstonians will be planning allot of visits! 

Quotes We Won't Forget:
"So what the heck was goin' on in my house?"- Papa Wilde
"I wish you were closer but...that's ok"- Grammy
"Pack a bag, get a suite and have a're a mom!- Jill
"I feel like God planned this, that baby will be strong. Don't stress"- Zach
"That is going to be a ridiculously gorgeous child"- Shawna
"GET.....OUT"- Andi

How Do I feel Today:
Good....A little queasy but not to the point of vomit.  My cramps are subsiding which is good because they are stressing me.  I feel a lot calmer now that I have told "mothers" and can ask questions about pregnancy as I have them.  I could go for a jar of pickles for breakfast but, that's not my baby talkin'.....that's just me.  Again, No major cravings, no major morning sickness and all-in-all feelin' good!

Medical:I have been to my first doctor visit and have my first prenatal scheduled for June 6th.  I also have an upcoming appt. for my lab work.  No Ultrasound yet. 

I'll keep everyone posted- L

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

MAY 17th: The Day Life Changed Forever

So.....Yesterday was the first day that we found out we were expecting a miracle! A tiny sweet little bundle of joy. Part Shane. Part me. But.....That's not how he felt the minute we saw the test! I had been feeling different for a couple of days and was about 2 days late on my period and wondered but, didn't think anything of it. Then around 12:30pm on May 17th I KNEW! Because I saw 2 pink lines? NOPE. Because as I was driving home & feeling like a million bucks I suddenly had to pull over and toss my cookies! That's say the least. So I went to the store bought a test and, I was right. This came as quite a shock to us both as it was the 1st month we tried but, I have to say, Shane broke down. He suddenly started thinking about how unprepared we were (as every parent to be does) and just kept muttering this mantra..."no way, no way, no way, ...really? no way". I decided to let him be alone to let it digest as he was FREAKING ME OUT TOO!