Friday, October 12, 2012

Brother from another mother!

i am so in love with my little angel! he is just so unbelievable! he is 8 months old today! so hard to believe! where does the time go? He is obsessed with his cousin Drake. it is amazing how similar they look and act. such sweet sweet souls! Drake is 3 and 1/2 and their birthdays are 13 days apart. When H was little Drake was such a helper. Almost unable to believe that Halston was created. Now, Hals is just as enthralled with Draker! he will pat hi harm

8 months and 3 weeks

Sooo many changes! I am just so head per heels with him more and more everyday! Halston has been standing up in his bed for about a month now. He wakes up in the morning in such a good mood. I'll hear him just babbling away in a wry conversational way. It's as if he's telling a story to his stuffed animals! He has been pulling up on everything for about 3 weeks and can walk all the way around the ottomans and playpen. He is really happy to be in the playpen. He will stand up in it and watch sprout while I take a shower or do dishes. As long as he can see activity... He's happy! He really loves Zio Z, papa and his daddy. A true guys guy from the start! Can't wait to watch him grow even more.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Singing The Sick Baby Blues

poor monkey is going to the doctor for the first time today as a sick baby boy. :( . he gas been coughing for 2 days but last night it turned into a hacking cough, runny nose sneezy fest. i hate hearing him cry. this morning his voice was a bit raspy so we are headed to the doc!

Monday, September 3, 2012

7 and a half months!!! Lots of changes!

Halston is changing every day! A week ago his sound was abah bah bah bah. Today it is hoooooooah! It is so cute and boy-ish. He is quite a little man. He gets on his knees and rocks and rocks but hasn't scooted yet! He can wave hi and bye bye but cannot say the words yet. When he is in distress he says uh- mug mug mug... Which I like to think is the beginning of mommy ! Ha... Probably not though.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

WOAH! It's been forever! Halston is Almost 6 months old. 5 1/2 months actually and man is he ever amazing!!! He is doing so much now. 

He now can: 
1. sit on the hip with no head support. 
2. get in a crawling position but cannot crawl.
3. make lots of sounds oooo...bluh...ahhh
4. smile and laughs ALL the time
5. grab his paci and put it in his mouth.
6. eat rice cereal and like it!
7. put his feet in his mouth
 8. try very hard to crawl!!!!

Among other things.  He is just amazing. He is SO active.  He also looooves the bath.  He takes his baths in the actual tub now and kicks the ENTIRE time.  he could stay in there for an hour if I let him.  I just love our days together. he is such a joy. He loves his bouncy seat too.  he is obsessed with the green frog on it because it spins super fast.  he will be sitting in the seat and stand up SUPER fast and intense to grab and spin the frog. so cute.  he also is proud of himself now. If he rolls on his tummy and we give him praise he smiles so big.  He feels the accomplishment. He is perfect! I cannot believe he is almost a half a year old. It really does happen too fast.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

4 Months

My precious pie is 4 months and 9 days old today!! So many things are changing.  this morning I took him out of his crib and put him in bed with me and he rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time!!!!! He was so proud of himself.  I cannot believe how strong he is!  He now can grab the toys hanging from his play gym and pull them so hard that the top bends down.  He is also talking, more like screaming so loud.  He says AHH AHHH GAHH GAWWA and then when we all seemed shocked by how loud he is he just laughs and smiles!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

{3 Month's Old & Mommy's Main Man}

3 Months
Alex's Testimony, Me and Hannah boiling Crawfish! Halston is 3months!

The Boardwalk

Sleepy Monkey

Watching Halston grow amazes me.  He has developed quite a personality even at 3 months.  We got into a routine finally and he has been sleeping through the nigh for almost a month now.  He gets his bath around 8:30 pm, his last bottle at 9:00, plays until 10:30 and falls asleep around11:00.  He does not wake up until 7:30-ish and then gets his diaper changed and lays down with momma.  He usually falls asleep again and wakes up around 8:00. It is amazing! I am proud of him EVERY morning when he wakes up!  I cannot believe he can sleep 10 hours straight!  As much of a perfectionist I am about performance, I can honestly say that I have never cared more about how well I was doing at a certain task.  I started out reading and going "by the book" which gave me more anxiety but, now my whole life is just bout making sure he is happy and healthy!  I just want so much for him and will stop at nothing to give him everything I can. 

He has just found his hands and has been inspecting them as close to his eyes as possible.  He also LOVES to lay on his side.  If I lay on my side and face him he will TALK and talk and talk and laugh.  He is VERY close to rolling over from that position.  He is one strong little boy.  He likes to be on his tummy but, once he realizes he is not strong enough to crawl, he gets VERY frustrated and starts to kick and cry.  This week (4/26/2012) I think he is going through another growth spurt because he is NOT happy around bath/bottle time.  His sleeping schedule is changing as he now cries in little fits before he goes to sleep.  We will get through it! 

More updates to come!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

2 months-Vaccinations- Measurements!!!

Wow...2 months old.  I honestly cannot believe how much he has grown.  We went to the Dr. yesterday for his 2 month well baby exam ( and shots) and here are the stats:

Head-16 inch.-87 percentile
Length- 24 inch.- 65 percentile
Weight- 13lbs. 5oz.-75 percentile

Drake sharing his toys :)

Happy St. Paddy's Day!!!


Crazy!!!  He is so grown up looking in the face now as well and all filled out.  I was soooo proud of him.  There is no doubt about it, Halston is one tough kid.  1st of all, he HATES to be cold so, of course when I took his clothes off to be weighed, he was not happy.  Then, the Dr. was supposed to be in "shortly" so, the nurse told me just to wrap him in a blanket as the Dr. would need him clothes-less as well.  She got caught up with a patient and didn't see us for 30 minutes.  But, he battled through.  I had him propped up on my chest and he "talked" and "sang" and cooed the whole time with his head completely pulled away from my chest looking straight at me like a big boy.  Then he got 3 shots :( .  One in the left thigh and 2 in the right.  He cried pretty hard but to be honest, I have heard worse from him.  He only cried though for about 30 seconds and then was fine and dandy!  I got to go home with him after instead of returning to work and thank goodness!  His little legs were so tender and sensitive.  I had no idea it would make him as sore as it did.  So, he wanted to be held but, it hurt to be held.  He was not a happy camper most of the night.  He even refused a feeding which has NEVER happened.  I was pretty upset because i couldn't take away his pain.  The best I could do was give him Tylenol. :( Today though, he was feeling good again and was so pleasant and perfect.  I am so amazed by him every day.  Today when I got home, I was playing with him and sang a couple notes and said, "Now you sing".  He opened his mouth wide and said "awaaaaaahhhhh" in a high pitched sing-song tone.  It was so precious!! Then I said "sing again for mommy" and AGAIN he immediately opened his mouth and said, "ah-ah-ah" and then smiled as big as he could.  AMAZING.  He really tried to mimic.  It seems so young to be doing that but, he knows what he's doing.  it is just so sweet.  I am so in love with him!  More to come-L

Such a little helpful cousin

My 2 month Old!

Baby Calming Gear!

Almost 2 Months!!!!

I cannot believe that my sweet little munchkin will be 2 months old on Saturday.  I hope he fits into his St. Paddy's day outfit! Halston is very active and alert these days.  He turns his head to look at each different person when they talk and...he LOVES his cousin Drake.  He is mesmerized by him.  Honestly, when Drake comes around he looks at and interacts with him like he knows they are both kids and on the same page.  So cute!  He interacts so much more.  when I shake my head back and forth and say, "A doo, doo, doo, doo doo!  and kiss his nose, he smiles.  Grins really big with an open mouth!  it's just the sweetest.  He is ridiculously strong! When I put him on his tummy, he pulls his head and shoulders, ALL the way off the ground and does not come back down for a VERY long time.  He moves his legs and arms but, doesn't go anywhere yet but, I think he'll be crawling early.  he not only is a mover, he gets it.  He understand how to move forward.  He is starting to notice his hands more. they will catch his eye and he'll stare at them for a while! He does not fit into his NB clothes at all.  He is in 0-3 all the way! So cute! 

Friday, February 3, 2012

My Baby is 17 Days Old!!!!

I cannot believe it! Halston is 17 days old today and GROWING!!! we went to the Dr. Monday of this week and he gained 14 oz. (7lbs. 14oz.) since his last visit.  I am so excited!  He is really filling out in the face. He is so strong.  I honesty cannot believe it.  If you put him on your shoulder to burp him or lay him on your chest he will RARELY have his head down.  He also has a "death grip" and will hold on sooooo tight to his clothes when I am trying to change him or my hand when I am feeding him or trying to put his paci back in his mouth. He has been sleeping VERY well through the night too.  Instead of waking up twice in the middle of the night, he wakes up once @ 3:00am and then again at about 5:00 or 6:00am. Not bad. Before he would wake up 2 or 3 times.  He rarely fusses.  If he is crying he is hungry or he is in pain. This week he had his blood drawn and cried of pain for the first time.  I just held him so tight and tried to soothe him.  What a sweet boy. He did amazing and calmed down pretty quickly.

I am so proud to be his mommy! He is just the light of my life and I cannot wait to watch him grow!  He has started to do some cooing but not much.  He knows my voice and will look for me if he hears me in the room.  That is just so special!  He loves his little singing seahorse that Andrea gave him.  It really soothes him when he is awake in his crib.  He is eating 3oz. every 3-4 hours and can suck that bottle down.  No problems with feedings. After, however, he grunts and fusses and I think he needs to "work it through". He poops maybe once or twice a day which worried me but, the Dr. said it was normal.  BTW, I loooove my paediatrician, Julie Schlegel.  She TRULY loves children and has such a heart for caring for them.  I uploaded the labor and delivery video and you can find it on my youtube channel in 2 parts. I will update more later!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I could not be more excited to type this! Halston is here!!! He was born January 17th @ 7:20 am and weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and was 19 inches long.  Today he is one week old and just the absolute love of my life!!!.  Right now he is very confused about what to do with his hands.  When he is really hungry he will flop and flail them around in a panic!  He is most comfy when he is swaddled. Of course, he falls asleep so quickly and stays asleep during the day but is a night owl.  He doesn't cry at night but, just likes to stare at the ceiling.  He had not pooped in 3 days and i was getting pretty worried so, I called the paediatrician and she told me he was not eating enough.  I upped his formula to 3 oz. and got an explosion! It was literally filling up his entire diaper.  Today, I am assuming because of the extra once of formula, was also his first projectile spit up.  It must have been an entire bottle and really shocked me.  He is 7 days old and will follow his mobile with his eyes.  I feel like this is pretty good for his age but, maybe it is standard.  He is also not a huge fan of the sponge bath.  He screams all the way through it but LOVES the counter top sponge I put him on.  I have started changing him there.  It is right under a BRIGHT light and it almost acts as a heat lamp.  He is soooo comfy cozy underneath it.  So sweet. One week down and a million more to go.  sometimes I just look at him and cry.  I never knew my heart could love like this.  It is truly amazing!!!